FACE2FACE is a web-based service to analyse interfaces between biological macromolecules.

  • The input file must contain atomic coordinates in PDB or mmCIF format.
  • Each chain may belong to either a protein or a nucleic acid or a ligand.
  • Interface between two regions of the same chains can be detected.
  • Both standard (e.g., solvent accessibility, secondary structures and hydrogen bonds) and non standard (e.g., non polar contacts, atoms involved in the interactions) structural information are calculated.
  • 2d contacts map and contact scores are provided. For protein-ligand interactions only the smallest distance is reported.

Enter 4-letter PDB Code: 
PDB Code

Download input files directly from the wwPDB.
Enter a single pdb code of the biological complex or multimeric structure (e.g., 2bte, 3zvj).

Examples:   4mnf   4fgh   6tz1

or upload coordinates of your structure:
PDB Upload

Click on "Choose File" if you want to upload and analyze your own PDB file/s. The input file must contain atomic coordinates in PDB format.